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- Domain Discoveries #2: Deep Space, Cruise Ship Deaths, Sharks (unrelated), and more!
Domain Discoveries #2: Deep Space, Cruise Ship Deaths, Sharks (unrelated), and more!
the upcoming week's BEST domains at auction.
Hello hello
It’s Friday and that means its time for another edition of Domain Discoveries: the only domain name newsletter that’s more obsessed than YOU are about domains.
I’m your host Sean Markey, let’s just jump right into this stupid thing.
A few pieces of news and etc.:
One: Site For Sale
It’s me, I’m selling a site. Such a rascal, I just can’t stop trying to start new projects EVEN THOUGH I TOTALLY SHOULD TRY AND FOCUS.
So I’m selling a built-out expired domain in the psychedelic space that I truly do not have time to devote to.
The site: PsyTechGlobal.com.

Used to be: a site for a psychedelic conference. Has a ton of niche relevancy and authority.
I’m looking for $12k OBO.
It doesn’t make any money (not monetized), but has a bunch of high quality content and ranks for a bunch of shit—especially mushroom-related content.
I’d recommend either building it out with a bigger B2B focus and starting a newsletter + directory (industry is hungry for links) OR start a spore affiliate site because that’s where they money is at the moment.
Why is it priced so (relatively) high? Rarity, dawg. Psychedelic sites ranking for a thousands of keywords are extremely rare, there’s basically none ever on the market, so if you want the goods you gotta pay up. But I’m looking for a quick sale so hit reply and then hit me with your best offer.
Two: Listen to Me on Domain Sherpa (if you want to)
Yes! The world’s most socially awkward SEO expert joined the amazing hosts JT and Jen with special guest Shane Cultra for a great, in-depth conversation about SEO + domain names.
You can check that out here:

All right, let’s go into the domains!
Domain Of The Week:

Preschool Education is BIG BUSINESS.
And this site, with a ton of strong and niche-relevant links is READY TO RANK FOR IT ALL.
Whenever a site going through the expiration process still ranks for over 10,000 keywords, it’s time to pay attention.
Nothing super special, but some of the keywords have big volume if you’re looking for an ads play:

This site would also lend itself to a programmatic SEO build out I feel pretty certain about that.
Currently at $5100 (but, gross. There’s a reserve. I try not to write about names with reserves at GD auction—my filters should shut that out but this one slipped through. I promise to double check next time).
Still a pretty solid opportunity (depending on reserve. barf emoji).
The rest of the list continues below, BUT FIRST, a word from our sponsor:

Are you tired of trying to bid on a sweet domain with Juice at an expired auction and losing?
Take the uncertainty out of acquiring an aged domain by picking one up at Odys.Global.
The #1 aged domain marketplace, they've got domains starting at a few hundred bucks all the way to tens of thousands for premium names. They are very strict about the names they post, this is a strongly-curated marketplace.
Check them out today:

Other Domains With Juice
Currently at just over $9k, this name is H.O.T.
It’s like I always say: sink your money into a growing industry!
This one promises to be worth $0 for the next… several decades to a century, but you know… eventually it’ll get there!
The amount of 10/10 press mentions this domain has is impressive, plus a bunch niche relevant backlinks.
I quite like this one, would have made it the Domain Of The Week if I knew wtf you could actually do with it until you finally can monetize it in 2057…
Used to be: an individually designed and completely organic plush teddy bear.
Cool… I guess?
Got a couple of big media links but nothing special.
Could be a toy-related build out but the domain will definitely be a hindrance here. Good for a redirect.
BUNCH of big media links. Impressive!
Looks like it used to be a site with a mission to save sharks: nature’s second scariest water monster (after alligators, you know I’m right).
Lots and lots and lots of big media links.
As to what you could build out with this site… hmmm. I think it’s fairly open. The domain name is definitely limiting but I’d say if you build some pages on this site that sort of relate to your main site and then slowly bridge the topic gap over time you could do well with a 301 redirect in like… 5 months.
Currently also at $9k. Wow, these fucking names have gotten expensive. I miss the good old days etc. shakes liver-spotted fist at the changing nature of things over time.
Another site with a mission.
This is why building a secondary site tangentially related to your site with a kind of .org/mission-y vibe is still one of the greatest uses of aged domains (and something I’m covering in my course that’s not out yet that I’m currently writing).
This site tracked Cruise Ship Deaths and earned hella links.
Currently just over $6,600.
Domains You Could Build A Business On
These are names that may not have any SEO authority, and may not strictly be a domain that makes a good investment, but one that is a solid brand or lends itself to a build out.
I think the .org works here. You could build a pretty straightforward site that’s like “gifts your grandkids will love” and create a site that reviews a bunch of toys and stuff (pro tip: buy the Teddy domain above and 301 it to this one to give it some JUICE).
Fuck, I just like this one. It sounds awesome. I don’t know what it is but I want to be a part of it!
This one is just a good two-worder that everyone knows. You could build a pretty fun art-focused/artist-focused site on this name.
The problem is: starving artists are famously poor but hey! You’re not in it for the money, right??
100% this is a dog training site.
The bad news is everyone is gonna misspell your site forever.
But the good news is the space is so competitive you won’t even be able to compete nationally in the SEO results without spending buckets and buckets of money every month!
Domains You Could Invest In
These are domains that may not have SEO authority and may not be a good brand, but would generally be considered a valuable name in and of itself.
If you Google “tele” in the US at least you thought you’d get a bunch of British people talking about the television (or so TELEVISION I’ve watched would have me believe) but actually almost all the results are about Telegram, the chat app.
So, telegram, I know you’re reading my email—it’s too valuable for you not to be! You should buy this. And GoDaddy, you should cut me in on these PROFITS man, don’t you know how good I am at hyping this shit for you? Where’s the love???
I don’t really see the attraction of NNNN domains—especially when they are fairly forgettable.
As a builder of sites, what would you even build here?
Even if you had a cool number like 5000.com or 19.com what kind of site would you build? Yeah I know they’re valuable but… for what?
Anyways, don’t listen to me, a dipshit that doesn’t get it. This name is currently $20k at auction.
Okay, Jesus, what a long email this is. Sorry not sorry, it was full of valuable shit.
So hey can you do me a favor pretty please?
If you liked this email tell people about it and maybe specifically tweet about it? I’m trying to grow my list because like all healthy modern people my self-perceived value as a person is tied directly to my subscriber numbers so I need them to go up because I definitely tied my self-esteem to that cold, granite boulder and pushed it off a cliff.
But seriously if you could help me spread the word on this newsletter I’d sure appreciate it.
And/Or hit “reply” and say what’s up. Newsletter writing is lonely and I IDK if anyone is laughing at my jokes (they are amazing, why wouldn’t you be??).
Stay dry this weekend. Or wet. Maybe you are amphibious who am I to say? And I hope you have a good one!
Until next Friday…