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  • New SEO Domain Brokerage, GoDaddy Special Auction Breakdown, DR 90+ Domain At Auction and More!

New SEO Domain Brokerage, GoDaddy Special Auction Breakdown, DR 90+ Domain At Auction and More!

A big week for high authority domains

hello again, hello!

I’ve been busy putting together a new thing (!!!) in the domain space that I’m about to tell you about.

I’m also going to talk about the upcoming GoDaddy Q3 auction—specifically the names with SEO (ngl… it’s not a very impressive list on the premium domain/domain investing side of things).

Finally, I’ll hit you with any interesting domains @ auction for the next week. Here we go…

I just launched an SEO domain brokerage

You can find it at JNPR.com.

I get a lot of deal flow, for lack of a better term, with my interest in domains and reputation (for whatever that’s worth) as an “aged domain guy.”

So rather than continuing to pass those leads along to other brokers OR casually putting them in my newsletter here and there, I’m going to instead start brokering them.

Here are some questions you might have + my answer:

What kind of domains are you looking for?

A: any domains with DR 40+ (a bit flexible on this), or any sites ranking for a bunch of KWs or getting a bunch of traffic regardless of DR; a newsletter or community or other alternative asset that either makes money or has an audience; I’ll also rep premium domains if they are worth at least $50k.

Can I email you to ask if my names might qualify?

No, please stop doing that lol. The site (JNPR.com) has forms that ask you for all the info I need. Just fill it out and I’ll get back with you about it.

What do you charge?

A: 15% for SEO/traffic related sales, 20% for premium domain related sales.

LOL why did you start this?

I know, I’ve got a lot going on. But I just love domains and building sites and buying/selling good domains or sites with traffic. And I have a lot of experience with this, I’m well positioned to know what will sell and who the target buyer might be, and what a solid price is.

So why not put it out there that I can help you sell things?

ALSO: i did try and get hired at a few domain brokerages in the summer of ‘23 but no one wanted my SKILLS and PASSION FOR DOMAINS so fuck it, I’ll do it myself.

Any other questions, hit reply.

Want to sell your names? Visit JNPR.com and fill out the form.

Want to BUY domains with juice and/or traffic, stay tuned to this newsletter, here’s where we’ll list our inventory.

GoDaddy Premium Domain Auctions (With SEO Value)

These names feel pretty picked over IMO, but I’ve got the top 20 names with DR above 10 for those of you looking for such things and here they are:

HelixCode.com - DR 34

The strongest SEO name in the auction with lots of good tech-focused backlinks.

This is probably the only name I’d buy if I was after SEO value, the rest are weak.

WebGuide.com - DR 33

Very generic. Could definitely have built a good affiliate site on this circa 2014.

DigitalTheater.com - DR 28

Decent authority but not a name you can likely do anything with. Stacked competitors with billion-dollar budgets here (and likely not interested in this too-generic name).

CostumeParty.com - DR 28

Love this one, but not sure how you could build/monetize it. It’s got 50 referring domains but they’re all kind of useless…

TrainingServices.com - DR 27

Generic name and one or two decent referring domains, not much value on the SEO side…

BigShopping.com - DR 25

Another great 2014 affiliate site, probably not much value here given the backlink profile.

BigCo.com - DR 22

Cool-ish name but meh backlinks (I’m sensing a trend here…)

EasyTraining.com - DR 17

Eh on the name AND the backlinks.

Joves.com - DR 17

Catalan name meaning “youth.” Catalan-focused juice if you’re in the market for that…

Kassia.com - DR 15

An old Greek composer (like before 1000AD old) but a 10/10 brand. A couple of decent backlinks but the name will cause this to go for a pretty penny.

Infoma.com - DR 15

LOT of brands using this, could potentially be a good name to acquire/sell if you’re gonna put in the work.

QuickFocus.com - DR 13

Could be a good SaaS brand…

StreetSoul.com - DR 13

Good brand, but only 4 referring domains, so not really a lot of juice here…

AppServe.com - DR 11

2011 called, it said it’s interested in this name for a PBN

CarClubs.com - DR 11

Decent name… not a decent DR but it’s a start.

SeaRoom.com - DR 11

Apparently a dictionary word… phrase? Meaning room to maneuver at sea.

IndianVillage.com - DR 11

Some historic place in Detroit—not sure it’ll be a very lucrative niche as these things go…

Spelt.com - DR 10

Finally! You can launch that hulled wheat business you’re so passionate about.

JobsNY.com - DR10

Yep, that’s exactly how people talk “one jobs NY please!” Coming right up…

Domains We’re Brokering

This email is already so long it could be the first draft of a Thomas Wolfe novel (holler if you get this, you earn +100 literary points) so I’m not gonna talk TOO long about these names we’re selling:

Nootropics.com - Open to offers over $50k (or BIN - $85k)

Killer name, with serious juice:

“only” a DR 37, but the backlink profile is stacked, and the category killer brand is 🤌🤌🤌

USARX.com - $31k

DR 67 health name also absolutely stacks on stacks on stacks of powerful health niche-relevant domains.

Includes other goodies like a trademark, a LARGE (but fairly cold) email list, and more.

Hit reply and LMK if you’re interested in either.

Domains To Invest In


Closes today. Good crypto/casino name.


A little under a grand. Not the best name IMO…


Currently $1800-ish, which seems crazy to me. You’re gonna lock up $1800 on a great brand in 2010 in 2024? Wild.


Another great name from 13 years ago when people were playing games like this on their iPads, when people cared about having an iPad…


Ends today. Great brand, pricey name ($5500 currently).

Not quite cool enough to be a major league mascot, but could really make a great brand to the right company. Like a cooler company probably IDK.


Over $1100, ends today.

3-letter .orgs with decent letters probably a solid investment, but wow. Member when a name like this would go for like $200-ish? LOL


Seems like an obvious brand… which is why there are a ton of companies called this. I imagine this is gonna be a fierce battle in the auctions… $3300+ with a couple hours to go.

Domains With Juice


Premium name with big juice = big price tag (little under $16k and wraps up in 5 days)


Shit domain, but a genuine god damned DR 91, tech related.

These are so rare, currently at $20k+ with under a day left.



Small authority, might be easier to win if you’ve got a shallow budget (relatable).


Decent juice on a domain with traffic, but wtf are you gonna do to monetize it?

Sell some papyrus, probably…


DR 33 with some keywords and traffic. $5100, currently, which is INSANE. It’s just a random Texas theme park lol.


DR 41 but damnit I love the brand.


Big ole DR 63 on a pretty amazing domain name. I love it. So does everyone else. Just under $15k


Damn, another heavy hitter. This a big week for high authority expiring domains…

Good luck!


That’s it for this week.

Do me a favor and hit reply—tell me what you think of the names (any you’re going to buy at auction??) what you think of my new brokerage, what you’re up to this week, whatever!

I just like hearing from readers :)

Until next time…
