domains at auction next week: june 15, 2024

the best investable domains and domains with JUICE at auction next week.

Hey hey,

Time for another great newsletter of domains to invest in, domains with juice @ auction, and this time: some interesting sales from the past week.

Thanks to everyone that filled out the survey last month or two months ago (lol) or whenever the last time I had the bandwidth to write this newsletter was. I’m cooking up something interesting, stay tuned, might launch sometime in July/August.

In other news I acquired (yes, I’m rebranding this haha), but I won’t tell you about the rebrand quite yet.

If you’re looking for some great content/link services, check us out. I’m currently going through and revitalizing all the services, creating them in my own image like God, so things will improve, but they’re pretty good now please go and buy stuff, thanks.

Domains To Invest In - any two letter domain is going to cost a shitload of money—even if it’s a random-ass letter with a random-ass number.

This one is currently $151k+ with about 6 hours left…

AKA it’s good to be GoDaddy - $1200+ with two days left. Not bad for a stupid dash domain, right?

I checked NameBio for the best “dash domain” price (strictly keyword related, not SEO) within the last three months, and it was $3380 at Sedo. - $8500 with 5 days left, not bad for a .TV—a TLD with so much promise that never actually delivered on value (but newbie domain investors still buy the shit out of to get that premium keyword in their portfolio even though it’s a shit TLD… not surprised it’s doing numbers with an SLD like “bitcoin.”

Super interested to see where this one ends. - Under $1k, SUPER cool brand, like, sounds dangerous and interesting, but I’ll be fucked if I know what you might build on this brand… If you’re stupid and like to waste money (like me) this would be a really great name for a publishing company or magazine, but other than that, I don’t think acquiring this for your portfolio is a slam dunk. It’s not a no-brainer for an end-user to buy… - Decent brandable. Under $100 with six days left. Probably if you can pick this up for a couple hundred bucks it’s a decent portfolio add?

Bio is a solid prefix, and has 1500+ sales within Namebio (starts with “bio)

Scout is a solid brandbucket/ type of name (162 sales in Namebio) - LOL $1100/yr renewal.

I think new gTLDs have value and have their place in the domain/company branding ecosystem, but this “premium pricing” is a fucking scam, a tax on bad domain investors. That’s my lukewarm take. - Oof. That’s fucking dark, even for ME.

PS I was checking the KW data and accidentally typed “Poet Coffins,” which… would be an amazing name for a collection of poetry. - $1500 with 6 days left. Decent brand, would be even better as a late 80s song title for the soundtrack to the end of a movie about high schoolers or whatever. - This is the kind of name that tricks you into buying because you’re like SMART LUGGAGE?! SMART GADGETS ARE THE FUTURE!!! And sure, they are, but only when Apple makes them and calls it the PowerSuitcase or something and no one is searching for “smart luggage” as a category—just like no one is searching for “smart watches” online. They just go to BestBuy and pick up a fucking Apple Watch same day…

Don’t get sucked in. $1200 with a few hours left.

Domains With Juice - +$1k with a day or so left. Some decent backlinks… - $2500 with 2 days left.

Beefy DR. - $4250, ends today. Beefier DR:

Some big links AND it ranks #1 for words in the domain (with 100 s/m) THAT’S BUILDING A BRAND, BB. - Great brand, ranks 7th for the phrase in the domain (BRAND! GO GET IT), and a very robust link profile.

$5100 with 2 days left. - $3100 with a few hours left.

Not bad. Not amazing but not bad (the domain is bad, tho. But the juice is okay.) - $4300 and a few hours left, this weird domain is actually for an old ship in Scotland.

Some very solid links here, if it were me, I’d build a shipping/ecom site on it SHRUG

Interesting Sales From The Past Week - $52,000 (retail)

A nice retail-looking .co sale. Looks like it was acquired in May 2020 for $7500. Big bet—paid off. - $42,888

This weird 3-letter has really been around the block… - $27,000 (SEO)

A 100% SEO domain related to this twitter account: that now uses “” - $25,333 (dropcatch)

A nice sale from dropcatch—this might be an SEO play, but is still a decent-ish domain on its own: (DR 70) - $24,751

Mega SEO name with a solid history of traffic: - $17,250

100% an SEO sale (you can tell cuz the domain sucks) - $16,601

WOW, big score for… this is not really an SEO name:

But looks like it’s getting hella traffic from people fucking up typing lol: - $15,251

Solid 4-letter cannabis brand (even though you have to constantly spell it out. “Can with two Ns—like canna with no A” — not great, but still looks good in a browser… - $9,719

Solid .io brand, sale on Sav. - $6,089

Tweeted about this one and got a lot of engagement. A decent, if boring, name that would be great for an SEO guru but MOST LIKELY went to a domain investor to sit at afternic forever ☹️ lol


Thanks for reading, please do hit reply and LMK if you liked this newsletter. I always love to hear from people (but only if you liked it: my ego is fragile like the veil we put between our day-to-day lives and the understanding that all of this is temporary, a gift or an amazing circumstance of chance, this one beautiful life we all have and the certain knowledge that one day it’ll move on without us—we’ll be gone but everything we loved—all the songs we played on repeat will be played by strangers we never met, the food we enjoyed and ate with our families will still be cooked at restsaurants, the sunrises we sat together and watched the sky change colors—will still happen—just without us).


Oh, and if you have a dope business that could use some SEO help just hit reply and let’s talk about it, that’s how I pay for that music I love, the food I love to cook and eat with my family, the vacations I take to amazing beaches to watch the sunrise together.

I’m pretty good at it (the SEO).

Until next time,
